GST Registration
Once you have chosen the business sector that you are going to register in, you can proceed to the GST Registration process. There are a few steps that you must take. First of all, you have to enter your TRN, or Temporary Reference Number, in the appropriate box. Then, you must enter the captcha text. Then, you must submit your application. This process takes about 15 minutes, but it's worth it The process of GST Registration begins online. In order to register, you will need to have an account with the GST Authority. After creating your account, you must submit your application online. To do so, you must enter your business name and contact information. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive your GST Number. Then, you must provide a security deposit of Rs. 1,000. Then, you must choose the category of the business you want to register under. Once you've created your business account, you must complete the form. You'll be asked to enter your PAN (Perma...